About ADHD in Adults

ADHD is a neurological disorder impacting the parts of the brain that help us plan, focus on, and complete tasks.  It is a developmental impairment of the brain’s executive functions, such as impulse control, focus, and organization. To find out more about how the ADHD brain works, read this article


In the USA, 5% of all adults have ADHD, and of those only 11% receive treatment.  Unmanaged ADHD can negatively impact relationships, work, and overall mental health and well-being.  In addition, it may be accompanied by other conditions (comorbidity), such as anxiety, depression, OCD and addiction.


Symptoms of ADHD include issues with time management, forgetfulness, mood swings, impatience, disorganization, focus, motivation and prioritization.


Also, ADHD is a chronic disease, although it may lessen or worsen over time.


And yet, there is hope for those afflicted. There are multiple treatments and behavioral modifications available to assuage the effects of ADHD, including dietary changes, exercise, medication, and COACHING. 


Recent research using neuroimaging to examine affected regions of the brain look promising, and new treatments are being discovered all the time.


As with any challenge, knowledge is key.  A solid diagnosis from a Psychiatrist or M.D. who specializes in treating ADHD is essential to assuring the most appropriate treatment and resource utilization. Once you understand what you’re working with, you can choose treatments best suited to your own needs.


For a great overview of understanding the ADHD brain and how it works, read this

About ADHD Coaching

An ADHD Coach is a Professional Life Coach specifically trained to work with clients challenged by living with ADHD.  Coaches are not medical experts or therapists, but act in a complementary role with psychiatrists and psychologists to assist you to achieve specific goals and maximize your potential..

So, for example, a coach can collaborate with you to resolve challenges you may have with:

          • time management,
          • motivation,
          • self-esteem,
          • productivity,
          • organization,
          • communication, or
          • feeling overwhelmed,

but cannot prescribe medication or discuss traumas from your childhood.

Coaching is all about YOU – your aspirations, your feelings, your goals, your potential hurdles – and what You want your future to be like.  What does success look like to you and how can you achieve it?  Under what circumstances do you operate best?

Coaching is collaborative, proactive, and practical, encouraging you to face obstacles using structure, strategies, and newly-acquired skills formulated with your needs in mind.

For more information about ADHD Coaching, check this out.

About How I Can Help You

Together, we will examine your life as it is now, and determine a Game Plan to alleviate those aspects of it that are bothering you most.  From a safe, non-judgmental space, we’ll be breaking aspects of tasks that now seem overwhelming into small manageable chunks, using methods specifically designed to work with your ADHD brain. 


As a result, you’ll be more motivated, organized, and productive, and your self-esteem will soar.  You’ll have more confidence, knowing you can accomplish your goals.


Studies have shown that ADHD coaching reduces stress, procrastination, and feelings of being overwhelmed, as well as increasing better judgment, decision-making skills, time management, and productivity.


In addition, you’ll learn to appreciate your strengths and unique gifts, and get an inside look into how your brain works.


I can help you transform your life.